9月24日,2020意大利设计大师班(Italian Design Masterclass)在上海徐汇区衡复艺术中心正式启动。上海市经信委创意与设计产业处副处长陈建林,意大利驻沪总领事馆科技参赞Roberto Pagani教授、意大利对外贸易委员会上海代表处首席代表Massimilano Tremiterra、副代表Micaela Soldini,上海设计之都促进中心理事长张展、主任罗志伟,以及来自中意双方高校、企业和媒体的100余位嘉宾出席了启动仪式。
On September 24th, 2020 Italian Design Masterclass(IDM20) was officially launched at Hengfu Art Center, Xuhui District, Chen Jianling, Deputy Director of Creative and industry Divison of sheticof Shanghai Municipal Commission of Economy and Informatization,Roberto Pagani, Science and Technology Counsellor of Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, Massimilano Tremiterra, Chief Representative of Italian Trade Agency Shanghai, and Micaela Soldini, Deputy Representative of Italian Trade Agency Shanghai, Zhang Zhan, president of Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Design, Luo Zhiwei, Director of Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Design, and more than 100 guests from Chinese and Italian universities, companies and media have attended the launching ceremony.
意大利驻沪总领事馆科技参赞Roberto Pagani教授
意大利对外贸易委员会上海代表处首席代表Massimilano Tremiterra
IDM20 project is organized by Italian Trade Agency and Shanghai Promotion Center for City of Design, focusing on 3 fields: industrial design, fashion design, and interior design. Three professors from Italian universities and brand representatives from more than 30 well-known Italian design brands together brought students and professionals a pure interpretation of Italian design.
Italian fashion and design are well-known around the world. In recent years, the cooperation between China and Italy in the field of cultural creativity has become a national strategy. IDM20 project will promote talent communication and school-enterprise cooperation in the field of design industry between China and Italy.
当天的启动仪式上,大师班项目课程主持、意大利设计协会中国区总经理Davide Conti向嘉宾详细介绍了意大利设计大师班2020年度课程安排和未来的课程规划。
During the opening ceremony,Davide Conti project coordinator of IDM introduced to the guest all the news of this edition in 2020 and offer an overview about IDM.
同时,还举行了一场中意设计交流主题对话,意大利驻沪总领事馆科技参赞Roberto Pagani教授,教育部设计学类专业教育指导委员会委员、东华大学教授冯信群,马兰戈尼时尚设计学院Roberto La Iacona,上海交通大学设计学院副院长韩挺,阿尔法·罗密欧(Alfa Romeo)中国区公共事务总监江琼,速珂智能科技(上海)有限公司国际市场总监Synenko Ingrid参与对话环节,分享了中意设计企业间、院校间合作的经验做法与心得体会。
A roundtable Discussion with the theme of Sino-Italian design was also held. Roberto Pagani, Science and Technology Counsellor of Consulate General of Italy in Shanghai, Feng Xinqun, Vice Dean of School of Fashion and Art Design, Donghua University, Roberto La Iacona,Head of Digital and Sales, APAC & Mainland China at Istituto Marangoni, Han Ting, Vice Dean of School of Design, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Jiang Joyce,PR Director of Alfa Romeo China, and Synenko Ingrid, International Marketing Director of Suke Intelligent Technology (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. participated in the roundtable discussion.
During the event, IDM WeChat official account and Mini program were officially released. Move your fingers and follow IDM WeChat official account, you will receive your limited-time exclusive benefits!
IDM20 project will connect more Chinese and Italian design schools and companies, share education and design resources online, and continue to promote Sino-Italian design exchanges.