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  5月18日14:30,中国建博会(广州)携手亚度家居带来《解密“拎包入住”成功秘诀,走进亚度数字工厂》的直播分享,圆点直播、好居网、非常设计师网、课城四大平台同步直播,敬请期待!   亚度家居是一家集智慧家居产品、智慧康养产品、智慧办公产品的研发生产及销售为一体的服务型制造企业;拥有数字化智能生产车间30万平米;产品包括全屋家具、地板、木门、橱柜、窗帘、软装饰品等全屋家居产品,是国内拥有雄厚实力的集成家居综合服务商和可承受美好生活方案提供商。   Ardu is a collection of smart home products, smart health products, smart office products and sales as one of the service manufacturing enterprises.The product includes whole house furniture, floor, wooden door, cupboard, curtain, soft adornment and whole household products. Ardu not only a integrated household service provider but also a good life project provider.   亚度家居在2011年率先提出“拎包入住”家装理念,以“拎包入住,就是亚度”的品牌定位,全面参与国内房地产企业的精装房家具配套,共同推进“拎包入住”商业模式;先后和万科、恒大、碧桂园、中铁建物业、保利、富力等一线地产、物业达成合作,在国内一二级城市拥有500多家门店和精装房实景体验馆上千个,成为“拎包入住”的行业现象级品牌。   Ardu had taking the lead in the "one-step integrated home decoration" concept in 2011. With the brand positioning of "one-step integrated home decoration, that is Ardu", the company has fully participated in the decoration for the domestic real estate enterprises, and jointly promoted the business model of "one-step integrated home decoration". It has cooperated with vanke, Evergrande, country garden, CRCC, poly, R&F,and other first-tier real estate and property management. It has more than 500 stores and thousands of experience halls of decorative rooms in the first and second tier cities in China, and has become an industry phenomenal brand of "one-step integrated home decoration".   亚度家居自2017年起积极推动数字化转型,自主建设亚度家居工业互联网平台,迅速完成了组织的数字化转型,完成了业务数据化、数据业务化;实现了数字化营销、数字化管理、数字化制造和供应链协同,成为传统制造业向数字化、网络化和智能化转型的示范企业。   Since 2017, Ardu has actively promoted the digital transformation, built the Internet platform of Ardu, completed the digital transformation of the organization, the digitization of business and data business quickly. It has realized the coordination of digital marketing, digital management, digital manufacturing and supply chain, and become a demonstration enterprise in the transformation of traditional manufacturing industry to digital, networked and intelligent model.   经过多年不断奋斗,亚度发展成为智能家具数字化制造的行业领军企业,先后获得“推进供给侧结构性改革先进企业、四川省两化融合试点企业、科技创新型企业、现代企业制度达标企业、阿里巴巴钉钉数字化管理示范企业、四川省专精特新中小企业、四川省高成长型中小企业及高新技术企业”等荣誉。   After years of hard-working, Ardu become the digital intelligent furniture manufacturing industry’s leader, has obtained "advance supply side structural reform advanced enterprise, Sichuan province two side pilot enterprises, science and technology innovation-oriented enterprises, the standard enterprise, alibaba dingding digital management demonstration enterprise, specialization, new, small and medium-sized enterprises in Sichuan province, Sichuan province high growth of small, medium-sized enterprises and high-tech enterprises" honor.   未来的亚度家居,坚持以“为消费者创造可承受美好生活"为使命,遵循“客户第一,至真至诚;值得托付,令人放心;与时俱进,谋变创新;意气风发,协力同心”的价值观,在“智慧家居”、“智慧康养”、“智慧办公”三大产品架构和新业态持续探索,打造成为智慧生活综合服务集团。由此,掀开亚度家居的新篇章。   The future of Ardu, insist to "create a better life for consumers" for the mission, follow the "customer first, sincere, the values of "worthy of trust and reassuring , keep going with the time, seeking innovation and the value of development, unity",continuously explored in the three product structures of "smart home", "smart health" and "smart office" as well, so as to build a smart life comprehensive service group. Thus, A new chapter of Ardu will be written.
