2019年4月25日,由意大利建筑设计杂志THE PLAN 主办的THE PLAN AWARD公布了2019年获奖名单。日清设计的“郑州大河宸院社区运动中心”荣获The Plan Award2019年度最佳体育&休闲项目类别荣誉奖,同时“温州绿轴翡翠文化馆”、“北京天空图书馆”入围The Plan Award2019年度公共空间项目类别。颁奖典礼将于5月24日于意大利米兰举行。
The Plan Award大奖旨在高质量地推广全球建筑与设计、城市规划等领域的杰出研究与实践,提升设计品质、推动理论发展,进而带动建筑规划与设计界的活力和进步。作为一个国际新锐的建筑媒体类奖项,The Plan Award近年来得到了全球顶尖建筑设计事务所的广泛关注。
Project: Zhengzhou Dahe Chenyuan Community Sports Center
The Dahe Chenyuan is built on the Suoxu River, making full use of the water space. Rather than an architectural design, it is a shaping of the humanistic pattern of “living near the water”.
“The architecture itself should be like the one born in the earth.” Therefore, how to respond to the site is an important consideration in design. The entire site is triangular and the long side is facing the river. We use a linear space transition to echo the triangle's site, while the staggered volume enhances the penetration of the waterfront landscape. The volume starts from the riverside ramp and ends in a two-story outdoor gray space. The whole body is simple and powerful, agile and full of changes. It is like an inscription which a huge sword carved on a land of the Central Plain.
Project: Wenzhou Central Park Culture Club
The project is located at Sanyou Road, Lucheng District, Wenzhou City, just one road from the city axis of "City Government - Century Square". The land is long and narrow, backed by high-rise residential quarters and facing the green axis park. In the same position as this billboard, a R&F Central Park Club will be built to be used as a living room and cultural display in the city.
Project: Beijing Jade Academy Sky Library
Looking from the south of the base , the silver-gray building is quietly placed on the grassy slope. The just body and the material of diffuse aluminum plate form dramatic experience,which makes the building appear to be well-defined and similar to blend the background sky.
If the “freedom” of the architectural style and form of the building itself only interpret one aspect of freedom, then the architect undoubtedly tries to express more in the design. The combination of the square and calm mass of the building’s main body and the ramp on the west side that is full of sense of strength and motion, the contrast and fusion between the geometrically segment steps and the waterscape in the courtyard and the natural slope of the entire slope on the south side, the cold and hard texture of the main material of the glass and the aluminum plate serving as a foil to the Parklex woodgrain plates embellished with various warmth and closeness to the softness of nature, are all indicative of its own contradiction and complexity.
日清设计,2001年成立于上海,始终秉承“删烦就简,溯本清源”的建筑哲学,创始人宋照青以la cime(法语“高峰”之意)命名公司,立足本土并以创造一流建筑为目标。